Author-Editor-Poet-Podcaster-Certified Yoga Instructor-Veteran
Foxxyspeaks is an upcoming self-published author, editor, poet, & podcaster. Writing has always been her getaway to channel her anger effectively since her childhood. Stay tuned to her writing journey, & tune in to the podcast.
Foxxyspeaks became a yoga instructor after discovering she was a "mouth breather". She wanted to heal herself from within and become more centered. She begin her yoga healing journey in 2018 which led to her seeking certification in 2022. Please sign up for yoga classes (in person & virtual) or any upcoming wellness workshops. It is a vibrant & unique experience you do not want to miss out on.
Foxxyspeaks focusing on meditative techniques, movement (sensual dance), hatha, vinyasa, yin, & restorative flows.
Foxxyspeaks is a 14 year Navy Active Reservist/Veteran. Being in the military has given her a resilience that she never thought she could have.
Please subscribe to the website & welcome to her journey!